
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Did Someone Say Recap?
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
This is a surprise special bonus episode that is coming in unannounced but with a catch.
I'm trying out something to see if it is worth pursuing in the new year.
The best way to listen to this episode is to also stream the pilot episode of 9-1-1.
Enjoy and let me know your thoughts on if this should occur more frequently in the new year.
Stay safe this weekend, y'all!
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:
Source material: https://www.fox.com/9-1-1/

Monday Dec 10, 2018
The Belle Tolls For Thee
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
This week is about the fall of an almost empire and buttchugging.
No seriously, buttchugging is discussed. You're welcome. #yougotwhatstuckwhere
I'm joined once again by Sarah from Good Nightmares podcast (@goodnightmare_s) as we conclude the saga of Belle Gibson with the demise of her brand and business and what she's up to nowadays...
Belle Gibson: Digital Footprint timeline
The Woman Who Fooled The World
Tara Brown 60 Minutes Interview with Belle Gibson
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Dec 03, 2018
For Whom The Belle Tolls
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
This week is going to rock your world, you're welcome in advance.
I'm joined by Sarah from Good Nightmares podcast (@goodnightmare_s) and we discuss a truly bizarre and complex case of lies, lies, and more lies.
It's got more twists and turns than your colon and it's one of two parts so buckle up for this one, it's a doozy.
Belle Gibson: Digital Footprint timeline
The Woman Who Fooled The World
Tara Brown 60 Minutes Interview with Belle Gibson
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Nursing Note: Harm Reduction Saves Lives
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
This week I'm joined by Tali, an RN who works in a different setting and no I'm not just talking about how she is a nurse in Canada.
She works in harm reduction and this week we're going to talk about just what that entails.
It's an eye opening episode, well at least it was for me.
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Nov 19, 2018
Under Pressure II: How Did I Get Here?
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
This week is an unexpected follow up episode that surprised me in how it came together.
I am joined by a very special guest, a fellow nurse who has an incredibly powerful personal journey that you must listen to.
Carter, you're inspiring and insightful as well as courageous in sharing your story.
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Under Pressure
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
This week I delve into a dirty little secret that isn't so little but is really dirty in the realm of healthcare.
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:
There's a lot of resources I used to craft this episode that I need to give all credit towards

Friday Oct 26, 2018
I Dare You To Listen To This Episode
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
This week I present to you something completely different. OK not completely different but in the spirit of Halloween I wrangled up some tales from the crypt. Well, if the crypt was a hospital.
Hospitals are haunted. It's not a question, it's a fact. Trust me, I've seen my share of unexplained phenomenon. And so have some of my pals and others who shared some stories with me that I present to you this week.
Here's some more links to some truly paranormal tales that'll leave you wanting a night light for a bit.
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Somebody Save Me
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
This week is all about saving your life.
But I relied heavily on this article: https://www.backpacker.com/survival/a-dozen-ways-to-die
Give it a read as it is chock full of good information.
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music: