
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Light It Up
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
This week, once again, I save your life.
Join me as I discuss Michael Bay, Catfish The TV Show, my near disaster while hiking, and oh yeah, the medical part of the episode, lightning strikes!
Survivor Stories:
This week's promo is courtesy of the All Crime, No Cattle Podcast!
Check them out: https://allcrimenocattle.podbean.com/
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Apr 23, 2018
That Girl Is Poison(ed)
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
This week I'm talking to you about unexpected flavor combinations, Dean Cain nostalgia, placenta lasgna (briefly), and oh yeah, the medical part of the show, The Radium Girls.
Links for your required reading...er...leisure reading (they're all shortened for your sake):
Go read Kate Moore's book!
DISCLAIMER: I recorded this episode from my minvan with a plan, Dwayne, so any and all audio issues are my van's fault.
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Friday Apr 20, 2018
Nursing Note: Amped Up, Ramped Up
Friday Apr 20, 2018
Friday Apr 20, 2018
Today finds you listening to a bonus episode, you're welcome, it's a 4/20 miracle.
I bring on my respiratory therapist friend Amanda and she gives you some insight into what it means to be an RT as well as sharing some patient stories that left me speechless.
Here's a link to Amanda's wonderful website:
Thanks for your support and listening to this special bonus episode!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Higher Love
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
This week I talk about Hulk Hogan's impact on my childhood, my affinity for Sade, questionable life choices I've made thus far, how much I hate vomiting, and, oh yeah, the medical part of the program, when THC goes horribly wrong.
It's 4/20 this Friday and did you really think I wasn't going to talk about weed this week?
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:
Satanic toaster: https://youtu.be/oiSwnWw65Wo

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Let My Heart Speak
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
This week I discuss my condiment conversion, my Whataburger fail, Five Hour Energy conundrums and oh yeah, the medical part of show, heart arrythmias.
Special shoutout to my first ever listener submitted story from Kayla, how exciting is that?
Also, here's the link to the YGWSW Answer Key, Omec is shooketh: https://bit.ly/2q4bNkM
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Genital Hospital
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Y'all ready for this?
This week I talk about new year's resolutions, Laguna Beach being my safety blanket, why Charlie Sheen went agro in 2011, and oh yeah, the medical part of the show, penile trauma.
Unless you work at a urologist's office I suppose.
This week's promo comes from the lovely Roseanne of Killafornia Dreaming. Check it out!
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Dust Yourself Off And Try Again
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
This week is heavy on the fun, a bit light on the medical, and with dressing on the side.
I'm joined by professional stunt woman/actress Cassandra Ebner and we talk about eyebrow judgement, being hit by cars, ghosting, and oh yeah, what is it like to be a stunt woman.
Check out Cassandra:
Life XP Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64K8VR3TMdE
This week's promo comes courtesy of the Ignorance Was Bliss Podcast hosted by the amazing Kate! She is a Clinical Psychologist with years of experience in several clinical settings (i.e. jails, crisis centers, and hospitals).
Check her show out:
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music:

Monday Mar 19, 2018
Put The Lyme In The Coconut
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
This week's episode it is time to stop, collaborate, and listen as I am joined by a guest co-host, 1/2 of the Corpus Delicti Podcast, it's none other than Lindsay!
We talk about the weird hang up I have about shaking my shoes out, questionable names for newborns, some of Lindsay's favorite TV shows, how many words I cannot pronounce correctly, and oh yeah, the medical part of the episode, Lyme Disease.
The aforementioned website in order to learn more about Lyme Disease: http://www.alabamalymedisease.org/
So you're keen to listen to the lovely ladies of Corpus Delicti? Go over and check them out!
iTunes: http://t.co/Tl8NWkF1jZ
Promos this week come courtesty of the badass women of Turn of Phrases (http://twitter.com/turnofphrases; http://turnofphrases.com) and Strictly Homicide (http://twitter.com/StrictlyHmicide; http://strictlyhomicide.podbean.com) Give them a listen ASAP!
Thanks for your support and listening to the show for yet another week!
Feel free to reach out to me at anytime!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/peoplearewild
Email the show: peoplearewildpod@gmail.com
Yell at the show: Outside in a field, I'll hear you.
Intro music: